Thursday, January 31, 2013

Geisteskrankheit - Makeup Artist

I have absolutely no clue how to pronounce this, but this was Sarah Stevenson's take on German expressionism.  I did the makeup in November 2012.

Link on facebook:

Geisteskrankheit is German for "mental illness," by the way.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Driver Safety - Makeup Artist

This was a 3-day shoot for a driver safety video for an insurance company through Rutan Productions.  I did the makeup - and near the end, I did a little stunt as well.  I almost got hit by a dump truck backing up on a bike... and I almost really got hit for the first take!  But I was alright, and Scott Mundy (the awesome director) had me do it five more times.  Scary!

Link on vimeo: